Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 28: The Final Song...

This week I did something completely different than my previous songs.  The other songs I tried to make somewhat polished in the short time I had to make them, however this weeks song is very lo fi.  I recorded the entire song on my iPhone's voice memo app, and did it in one take.  Its not perfect, but I think its endearing.  I put the link for purevolume below so you can hear it, let me know what you think!




  1. Love it. Love it. Love it!

    I immedietly thought of Hubbard and Bibeau Lakes when you started singing. Growing up swimming in the many lakes of Michigan is such a rich memory that not everyone can relate to - but you painted the picture so well with lyrics so perfectly matched with a melody.

    so... did you mean it when you said you were coming back? ;)

  2. so I was going back and listing to Red Herring and it just brings me back to No-reputation /exceeding rubicon days it totally has that exceeding rubicon feel to it and totally is a good song.

    I enjoyed listing to the songs you have written over these 30 days



  3. Amy, I'm so glad you had that reaction to the song! The song was written to somehow capture that experience of growing up in Michigan, and the surreal relationship between us and the Michigan environment, particularly the lakes. It was a nostalgic song for me to write and I'm glad it was nostalgic for you too!

  4. Joe, well done on this song! You are such a talented song writer :) I have loved listening to your songs this past month!
