Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 30: The Fire and The End.

The final day.  In some ways, I'm relieved that its over.  It can be really stressful trying to write a song and get it recorded in just one week, especially if you have to organize other musicians to make it happen.  However, that is not to say that the blogrimage is an experience I couldn't wait to have end, or it somehow produced agony within me.  When I look back over the 4 songs I noticed that it became easier and easier each time, as if with each passing week my song writing muscle grew stronger.

If you have a desire to write music, the number one thing I can suggest to you is this: just write!  Even if its not that good, just write and finish something!  That doesn't mean that the song has to stay that way forever, in fact I fully plan on going back and completely changing the melody and lyrics to Red Herring, but every time you finish a song it will get easier the next time.  Your song writing muscles will get stronger and stronger.  It reminds me of Jeff Buckley playing every Monday at Sin-e'.  In the DVD for Live from Sin-e' he talks about how it was incredibly challenging playing a 3 hour set once a week, but it stretched him and it forced him to continually be creative, and continually write more music so he could perform more original songs instead of doing covers.  The fire of Sin-e' is what forged Jeff Buckley into the spirit of music that he was.

The blogrimage experience this year has been a very positive one for me, and I feel it has accomplished the goal it was designed for, to put a fire under me to finish songs!  I'm so thankful for everyone who has taking this journey, this "pilgrimage".  I love the community that has been cultivated through this process, and I'm excited to see where future blogrimages will take us.  Well done Blogrimes, until next time!

hasta la próxima vez  :)


  1. It has been a great journey... As much as it was challenging and even sometimes frustrating, I enjoyed this blogrimage even more than last year's.

    I have really enjoyed listening to your music, and reading your words. I wish Seldon music a long and prosperous life!

    until next time!
